Recognizing almost limitless need for the general public to have a better method of communication with emergency services in critical emergency situations DeCroix Services International, DeCroix International was conceived by its owner Daryl DeCroix.

DeCroix Services International truly is on the cutting edge of technology for the “personal emergency response” market and is committed to staying there as the private sector innovations continue to leave the antiquated 911 system way behind.

It is the mission of DeCroix Services International to make these innovations available to the public to save as many lives as possible.


Direct mail, tele-sales, social media, internet marketing and more are all areas of DeCroix expertise. Our Marketing team has over 50 years of experience optimizing these current technologies and many of our tele-sales professionals have been with Daryl for over a decade. They truly are the “Crown Jewel” of DeCroix International . Our “Safety Alert Center” Personal Emergency Response Division is at the core of what we do. This division ensures that with a press of a button at risk individuals get the help they need 24/7. We proudly offer our unit to our seniors for free and we cater to those on a fixed budget.

While rapid growth in our various marketing campaigns is a priority, DeCroix International’s main focus will always be compliance and quality. The first step of any new undertaking is to make sure that all applicable guidelines and regulations are strictly adhered to in every state. Our stringent Quality Assurance Division ensures the integrity of every campaign such as our “Safeline 911” division that provides the industry standard for sleek safety alerts for business professionals and our new Video 911monitoring system that will actually provide a live video feed to emergency services real time.